How to Make Rollups For Lookups
Rollup Summaries are essential to most Salesforce Organizations. However, Rollups have always been limited to Master-Detail relationships. Salesforce, out of the box, does not allow for Rollups using Lookup relationships. That is until now! By following these simple steps, you will be Rolling up like a Pro!
1. Install Package
Production Environment- Click HERE
Sandbox Environment- Click HERE
2. THREE Fields you MUST create before using this tool:
-A Lookup relationship on the child object with the desired parent object
-The field on the child object that you want to rollup
-The field on the parent that will contain the results of the rollup(MUST BE SAME DATA TYPE AS FIELD BEING ROLLED UP)
3. Open the Lookup Rollup App and locate the Lookup Rollup Summaries tab
4. Create a New record and fill in the fields. DO NOT click the Active checkbox. Save.
Remember to use API names for all fields and objects
Note: For the Relationship Field- use the lookup field. For Rollups to Account- type “AccountId” in the relationship field. When rolling up from Task or Event to Account, the Relationship field is WhatId.
5. Click the Manage Child Trigger button and click Deploy. Wait until it displays message that deployment is complete. Now return to the record.
6. Now, activate the record, by editing using the “Active” checkbox
7. Click the “Calculate” button on the record
8. You have successfully made a Rollup using a Lookup!
Cool Tip
With the new button “Enhanced Edit”, you can use picklists(with the correct API names) to select the objects and specify the fields, which makes the process much easier. You can only use this feature to edit existing records. So after creating one Rollup For Lookup record, you can simply clone that record and select the other objects and fields you want to use for another Rollup For Lookup.
Rather watch how it’s done? Here’s a Walkthrough Video
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